My Birth Way Video Episode 7: 8 Weeks Pregnant & Questions We Asked Our Midwives (Self-Advocate!)

This episode of My Birth Way looks mostly at my experience with our chosen place of birth. The midwives at the birth center were very understanding and supportive and were willing to answer all kinds of questions! I also speak about the importance of self-advocating in a REAL way during your pregnancy journey, and the details of many of the questions we asked our midwife team even before the first prenatal appointment!

The biggest thing to remember about being a maternity care consumer (and you are one, if you’re pregnant or in a partnership with a pregnant person) is that YOU get to make the choices. There is no “allowing” you, no “requirements.” If this is the language used about you and your body, then you can always find another care provider… No matter how late in your pregnancy you are. This also stresses the importance of choosing your care provider and your birth place wisely. You should shop around and interviews as many care providers as you can, as well as other support people (like doulas).

Speak up for yourself. This is the biggest experience of your life, to date. Think about how firm and sure of yourself you are when you call your phone company to get something fixed… Be the same firm, direct person during your pregnancy. You’ll benefit from the REAL answers you’ll get, I promise!

Life and love,

