In this 17 weeks pregnant video, I’m excited to discuss how quickening has begun! For those of you who are new to the term, quickening means that the mother can feel the baby moving inside her! So exciting! At 15 weeks, I thought I felt a kick, but I wasn’t sure. Now I’m sure that’s what it was!
In some traditional cultures, the quickening was a time when mothers would celebrate and the pregnancy would be considered viable and real! No matter what your feelings are about the meaning of quickening, it is certainly a fool-proof avenue for bonding with your baby. Feeling the baby move allows you to feel in tune with their personality and emotions (whether real or imagined) from an early stage. Since Jason and I aren’t getting any ultrasounds for our baby, the quickening is super amazing! Now we just can’t wait to hear the baby’s heart beat sometime on the next few months with a fetascope.
In this video I also mention the one annoying pregnancy symptom I’ve been experiencing this week… Itchy nipples. Yikes!
Life & love,