Birth is a sacred event, for the mother and for all others who are lucky enough to witness such a magnificent beginning.
Birth is an awe-inspiring space to be in, a space that is filled with love, power, spirit, and hope. No one can be present during a birth without being drawn into the spell that is life. Life partners, birth partners, and other witnesses are the sacred supporters of the woman who gives birth. She is the center of the universe around which all the stars and bodies revolve.
And it should be no other way!
Mothers and families have the divine right to have the birth they choose. They should be able to reflect on the birth of their child and know that their dreams, hopes, and visions were respected. They should feel joy and satisfaction while they reflect on such a life-changing event and they should be able to say to each other, “Our Birth Way was nurtured and achieved.”
Let Our Birth Way Doula Services support you in your vision of the birth that is right for you and your loved ones. Check out the menu items at the top of this page to learn more about OBW‘s doula services, pricing, FAQs, resources, and to learn more about Emma, owner of Our Birth Way.
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